Coworking and Private Offices in Bali
Setter creates a comfortable space that builds group. it’s home to creative entrepreneurs, crypto specialists, startups, and cultural initiatives
Setter creates a comfortable space that builds group.
it’s home to creative entrepreneurs, crypto specialists, startups,
and cultural initiatives
& Berawa beach
3.2 mil
2.2 mil
1.0 mil
8.5 mil
1.3 mil
5.2 mil
24 offices
40 desks
6 zoom rooms
2 meeting rooms
Berawa beach
7 offices
1 Meeting rooms

Smart air conditioner system, that always makes sure the temperature is just right for our members and saves energy.
Our members receive an access card that grants them 24-hour access to their office and desks.
It’s our priority. We use the best Internet Service Providers (ISP), all with different major Indonesian backbones to insure fastest possible routing and reliability.
The event space is designed to suit any occasion with ease.
A spacious meeting room ensures comfort during long discussions.